Recently, FK's subsidiary corporation Ao Xin Bearing Co., Ltd. has successfully passed evaluation of integrate IT application with industrialization management system certification and obtained the certificate (code: CSAIII-00317IIIMS0029201). The result of this assessment marks that informatization management of Ao Xin Bearing has reached the level of integrated and collaborative innovation.


Integrate IT application with industrialization is a combination of high level of informatization and industrialization, which refers to informatization pushing industrialization and industrialization promoting informatization, realizing intelligence, innovation and green development of enterprises in the information technology era, especially the Internet plus era. The core of integrate IT application with industrialization management system is information technology support, and it also pursues sustainable development.

Integrate IT application with industrialization management system formulated and popularized by Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is the common method of systematically establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving the management mechanism of the integration process of integrate IT application with industrialization. This management system can help enterprises meet their needs based on their strategic goals in order to formulate the related process of integrate IT application with industrialization and to keep the management system under continuous control.


In the past ten years, FK Bearing Group has attached great importance to building enterprise information and has successively established ERP, MRP, CRM, OA, CAPP, cloud data, security management and other related core systems. And FK has continuously improved these systems. Integrate IT application with industrialization management system was introduced into FK Bearing Group in order to systematically push and standardize the process of the management system and to lay a foundation for intelligent manufacturing and intelligent warehousing according to our strategies, eventually having a continuous competitive advantage and ensure that strategic goals is achieved.
